
Our research specifies the associations between e-book features, children’s characteristics and diverse reading contexts. The research members of our Collective have identified four interdisciplinary themes that cut across narratives in digital or non-digital formats and that require research in terms of both positive and negative effects:

  • ​children’s attention and engagement
  • materiality and embodiment
  • personalization and customization
  • interactivity and multimedia

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Featured research projects

Reading is having adventures. Many children miss the chance of this adventure as they don’t have access to literature in their language. In SAYL, we will give children aged 3-5 access to stories, by offering digital books in multiple languages.


This project investigates the benefits and limitations of personalisation in children’s digital products, with a specific focus on personalised books.The project was funded by ESRC and hosted by UCL Institute of Education (IOE) 2017-2019.

This project uses storybook apps and print picture books in language-focused reading activities in kindergartens. The project developed an app that kindergarten staff can use to consider to what extent specific features of e-books are appropriate for such activities.

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